Friday, May 18, 2012

YOUTUBE beginners yoga....hatha basics

..a 20 minute programme, basic yoga....there are several other shorter progs available at the end of this one..full screen click on the pointer to get going  >

Click on the http:// link above and it will take you top the youtube basic yoga link, a German production, ( in english)nicely done and in several courses or levels...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The basics...

Just in case I get sidetracked, Hatha Yoga is simply a way to get you physically in shape. Physical yoga is to a large extend an ancient system of self improvement  for your body without the need for gadgets and complicated often dangerous equipment to get you into a healthy condition, physically as well as mentally.
Most yoga exercises can be performed on a flat surface,using a carpet or large beach towel, indoors or outdoors. Select a quiet, peaceful area, large enough to stretch your body and limbs in all directions.
Pick a number of do-able exercises or asanas and try as much as possible to allow about 20 minutes every day to this most useful and interesting activity.
Proper breathing is a somewhat more complicated matter. Start breathing in and out rhythmically, more complicated breathing modes should be carefully studied.


Union with the true Self

The highest aim of yoga is the realization of the true Self. This leads to cosmic love, a the feeling of oneness with all, and the experience of pure being, unflawed knowledge and infinite bliss.

Sole responsibility of the individual

In order to reach all this, yoga transfers the responsibility to each individual. Everybody is able to do something to improve his/her life. Yoga offers a vast variety of exercises and practices. Everybody has to decide how far he/she wants to go with yoga. Those who "just" want to relax and feel good are welcome and can achieve this with very little time and effort. Those who want to go farther, must work harder. Yoga is no magic pill but leads to the desired goal through patient, systematic practice.

The Paths of Yoga

  • Hatha Yoga contains the most well known practices of yoga: asanas, (yoga exercises), pranayama (breathing exercises) and deep relaxation. Hatha Yoga also contains advice for healthy living, including vegetarian nutrition.
  • Kundalini Yoga, the yoga of energy, describes the astral body with its chakras (energy centers) and Nadis (energy channels). Kundalini Yoga offers exercises to purify the astral body, increase life-energy (Prana), harmonize and open the chakras. When we are prepared, the mighty Kundalini energy awakes. This may be combined with overwhelming extrasensory perceptions, a strong feeling of bliss, expansion of the consciousness and the unfolding of new capabilities.
  • Raja Yoga explains how the human mind functions and how to control it. Raja Yoga exercises include affirmations, visualization, attentiveness, self observance and the various meditation techniques.
  • Jnana Yoga, the Yoga of knowledge, is the philosophical approach. It asks questions like: Who am I? From where do I come? Where am I going? What's the meaning of life? What is real? What is happiness? In Jnana Yoga karma and reincarnation are explained and meditation practices are given to help the practitioner experience the truth intuitively within one self.
  • Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of devotion.
  • Karma Yoga, the yoga of action, teaches the understanding of destiny. Karma Yoga offers techniques to assist in making right decisions and living a divine life. Karma Yoga is selfless service; it helps one transcend the boundaries of the ego and experience a oneness with all beings.

The Synthesis of Yoga

Yoga is an integral, all-embracing system. Most people find a combination of the different paths of yoga most powerful:

• Hatha Yoga develops the physical body
• Kundalini Yoga augments the energy body
• Bhakti Yoga sublimates the emotions
• Raja Yoga trains the mind
• Jnana Yoga enhances intellect and intuition
• Karma Yoga helps integrating everything into daily life.
Asanas –yoga exercisesAsanas are yoga exercises; certain positions are held for periods of time. Asanas gently develop muscle strength, flexibility and body awareness. They release blocked life energy (prana), activating inner healing power. Yoga asanas boost the body’s resistance to disease; they support and enhance the effects of other therapies.
Pranayama –breathing exercisesEverybody breathes approximately 25,920 times a day. In addition to oxygen, we also ingest prana, life energy. Because of stress, tension, wrong posture and bad habits most people breath too shallowly. Their systems do not get enough oxygen. Yoga helps. With special breathing exercises the life energy can be rebuilt. When regularly practice breathing exercises fear, depression, anxiety, stress and over-tiredness can be overcome.
Deep relaxationMost people experience a deep relaxation t the end of every yoga class. Relaxation is especially important to the modern person: stress is reduced, the immune system strengthened, healing processes supported, mental strength and calmness restored. Complete relaxation doesn't come by oneself but may be learned patiently and systematically.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Cute movie bit...

...this was suppopsed to be an educational video movie...

Please do note....the link below will take you to a youtube video, full screen..
unfortunately at the end of it you can not get back to this blog../ .
I will try to fix for now, that's what it is or don't bother with it.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="  LINK" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Forget the fancy stuff..keep it simple

It's okay to read about it and then leave it alone.

Meditation panels...and more to come

...well, I am  not sure this one is a good idea, much too sensual and it throws off the mind. The idea is to develop a peaceful, calm condition, gradually relieving your mind of all but the basic concentration on peace, quiet, tranquility, without any disturbing interference of noise, TV,  and other useless un needed  thinking.
If you can't get something out of your mind, if this keeps creeping back into your head, try this.
How important is this...whatever is bugging me,is there anything I can or should do about it right now or can it wait? If suddenly an unpaid urgent bill comes to mind, make a note of it and decide to deal with it..say, first thing in the morning. Whatever enters your head and prevents you from getting into a quiet meditation mode,do whatever you can to swiftly and decidedly deal with it in some way,to the point that you can return to your meditative mode without any further disturbance from things that enter your mind.
Try to put yourself in a relaxed position. If sitting cross legged yogi style works for you, great. If not, sit in an erect position in a comfortable chair, lights dimmed and clear your mind.
That's a great start. Breathe out...through bothy nostrils, mouth closed.