Monday, December 31, 2012

Keep Breathing...

From the moment you take your first breath until your last few moments alive on this earth, you must keep breathing...or it's all over. Many of our problems and illnesses are because you are not doing it right. Sure, more or less our breathing is automatic an unconscious event taking place as a normal function of our body. But as a science of yoga, particularly HathaYoga, conscious breathing or a degree of awareness of our breathing is an important part of Hatha.
Some of the specifics are or can be somewhat complex or in fact may be dangerous to your physical or mental health. So, these remarks are simply for general information on breathing and to give us view  expressed by the western medical profession, that is Occidental Doctors.

A form of deep breathing exercise  is recommended for those with chest and lung problems or recovering ex-smokers. Suggestion are:
Sit in a comfortable position in a chair.
Relax your back as much as possible, sitting up straight.
The feet should touch the floor. (Or you can sit cross legged in a yoga position).
Inhale through the nose ( not the mouth).
Exhale through the mouth, exhale with pursed lips.
Exhaling should be slower than inhaling.

When inhaling place both hands on your stomach, spread fingers out, concentrate
on expanding belly as you inhale through the nose.Slowly.

The exhale slowly through pursed lips. The exhale should be longer and slower
then the inhale.

Try to do this conscious breathing exercise 4 times a day or more.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

yogi ramacharaka

F.C.Haddock; American Writer

Frank Channing Haddock was born November 17th, 1853 in Watertown, New York of the well known Methodist preacher George C. Haddock and the former Cornelia B. Herrick. He graduated from St. Lawrence University in 1876 (with “high rank” and as the class poet), and entered the Methodist ministry but left that to take up law, being admitted to the bar in 1881, practiced in Milwaukee and was a well known legal writer. In 1887, he returned to the ministry (after his father’s assassination for temperance work), preaching in Iowa, Ohio and Massachusetts. He then retired from the ministry to take up writing again where he became a famous author and lecturer on ethics, philosophy, spirituality and empowerment.
His primary work is captured in the Power-Book Library comprised of the "Power of Will," "Power for Success," "The Personal Atmosphere," "Business Power," "The Culture of Courage," "Practical Psychology" and "Creative Personality". He died in Merriden, Conn on February 9th, 1915 of meningitis while completing his last work, the “Creative Personality.”

Tuesday, December 4, 2012, perhaps, Cobourg Ontario Canada

Much to tell,report and write, I'm still around but have been quite busy.
Bought a nice smallish renovated home on a main street in town which happens
to also have a 2100 square foot insulated garage on the property.

If possible I will try to make a yoga exercise part time thing out of it, time
will tell. I really look forward to doing something useful in that direction.